1.cut off and release medium
This is the most basic function of the valve, usually choose the straight through valve, the flow resistance is smaller.
Downward closed valve (globe valve, plunger valve) due to its tortuous flow channel, flow resistance is higher than other valves, so less selection. Where high flow resistance is allowed, closed valves can be used.
2.control flow
Usually choose easy to adjust the flow of the valve as a control flow. Downward-closing valves (such as globe valves) are suitable for this purpose because the size of the seat is proportional to the stroke of the closing piece.
Rotary valves (plug, butterfly, ball) and flexed body valves (clamp, diaphragm) can also be used for throttling control, but usually only in a limited range of valve sizes.
Gate valve is disc disc disc to the circular seat mouth to do crosscutting movement, it only close to the closed position, to better control the flow, so usually not used for flow control.
3. reversing shunt
The valve may have three or more channels depending on reversing shunting requirements. Plug valves and ball valves are more suitable for this purpose, so most valves used for reversing shunting are selected one of these valves.
But in some cases, other types of valves can also be used for reversing shunt as long as two or more valves are properly interconnected.
4. Medium with suspended particles
When the medium with suspended particles, the most suitable for the use of its closing parts along the sealing surface sliding with wiping valve.
If the shutoff is vertical to the back and forth movement of the seat, particles may be trapped, so the valve is only suitable for basic clean media unless the sealing material allows particles to be embedded. Ball valve and plug valve in the opening and closing process of sealing surface wipe, so suitable for use in media with suspended particles.
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