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Why should oxygen valve ban oil?

Release time:2022-05-07View count:1098

Why should oxygen valve ban oil?

Because oxygen is a flammable and explosive gas, when you have grease in the pipe or valve, plus the pipe is under pressure. When you open the valve, the pressure in the pipe causes the medium to flow very fast, which creates friction. It produces high heat, and if there's oil it's an accelerant. It's very explosive. The consequences are unbearable! This kind of valve cleaning should be checked with ultraviolet lamp, very strict requirements! Not even a little fiber, to prevent static electricity.

No oil degreasing imported oxygen valve, cleaning procedures and inspection standards

1、 degreasing before preparation:

1, degreasing preparation site operators must understand the importance of degreasing and anhydrous valve treatment, valve internal cleaning once does not meet the requirements, will cause serious consequences of equipment or personal injury. Therefore, operators must understand the full content of this specification.

2, defatting site must be strengthened management and security. In order to prevent accidents, fireworks and non-relevant personnel must be strictly prohibited from entering the operation site. The site should be ventilated, clean and dry, and equipped with fire protection facilities.

2、cleaning steps:

The parts of the degreased oxygen valve must go through the following process before assembly:

1, according to the processing requirements, some parts need to do polishing treatment, the surface can not have processing burr, etc.;

2. All parts are degreased; (Degreasing treatment: degreasing solvent such as acetone, alcohol or other inorganic non-flammable cleaning agent to remove oil stains on the surface of parts)

3, pickling passivation after degreasing (cleaning agent does not contain phosphorus);

4, one part by part with non-woven cloth dry, can not retain wire wool parts surface, or clean nitrogen dry;

5. Illuminate the surface of the valve with luyor-2130 ULTRAVIOLET lamp (black light lamp), no fluorescence is qualified.

3、 Other Requirements:

1. Purge the assembled valve with nitrogen for at least 1 minute.

2, the airtight test must be pure nitrogen.

3. After passing the airtight test, pack it and seal it with a clean polyethylene cap. Before using the polyethylene cap, soak it with organic solvent and wipe it clean.

4. Then seal it with a vacuum bag.

5, the last packing.

6. Measures should be taken to ensure that the package is not damaged during transportation.

4. Acceptance Requirements:

1). Wipe the surface of degreasing parts with oil-free dry white filter paper. If there is no grease trace on the paper, it is qualified

2). in accordance with HG 20202-2000 "Degreasing Engineering Construction and Acceptance Code", before assembly, each part should be wiped with clean precision filter paper (select parts dead corner), filter paper with unchanged color is qualified.

Only in strict accordance with the above steps, can let the oxygen special valve factory, in order to safe use!

Source:China Valve Media

China Valve Media/

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