Assistant valve enterprise to win the world

Assistant valve enterprise to win the world

Gate valve for power station as per ansi b16.34

Product specification

Temperature :-29~425℃

Product feature

1、Actuation modes:manuaI.ale.~,tric.spu r and bevel gear.pneumatiC actuatiorls,please make il Clear at order.

2、Wald—connected gate valve and stop valve a re suitable for  the pipeline of PN1.6一32.0 MPa.P54/100V-P57/170V,a workina temperature≤540℃I 570~C for P57/170V)in various systems of  petroleum, chemical industry.steam power.hy draulic cut off and get through the medium The suitable media are:water.steam.oil goods.acid media and  so  on.

3、Conforms with the requirements of the domestic and foreign advanced standards.The middle cavity of the valve uses the pressure self—tightening sealing structure.the two ends of the branch Pipe use welded structure and the welded groove can be connected per eigher the standard er the required one by users.Of a reliable seal.good  performance and nice mod—eling.  

4、The sealing faces of beth disc and seat ring are made by means 0f built-up welding with either iron based alloy or Setllite Co based carbide alloy upon different requirements.wearable.high temperature resisting.corrosing resisting,good friction resisting and long duration.

5、The stem, after the modified and surface nitriding treatment。has a good friction and corrosion resistance and a back seal structure to ensure the valve no leak outward from the stem when opened during running and able to replace the stem packing.

6、The valves with a large or a middle apertures ca r1 use the internal by-pass structure and be set with a rolling bearing and a thrust bearing.res!,Iting in flexible open—close.
