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City and district leaders visit NFL Group to guide environmental protection work!

Addtime:2022-03-30From:NAIFULONG GROUP CO.,LTD.

Zero direct discharge of sewage is simply rain and sewage diversion, separating rainwater and sewage, basically realizing full coverage of rain and sewage pipe network within the administrative area, full collection of sewage, full separation of rain and sewage, and all sewage treated by sewage treatment plants and then discharged.

In general, sewage zero direct discharge is a matter to solve sewage discharge, which is a work to improve the environment, improve the concept, and further guarantee the achievement of five water treatment. Only when we really divert rain sewage, can we truly achieve clear water and green mountains, and can we achieve long-term sustainable development!

Today, the city and district leaders visit NFL company to visit the "sewage zero direct discharge" work process, and guide the work deployment!

The personnel manager will accompany you to visit the company and explain the work of the company!