Assistant valve enterprise to win the world

Assistant valve enterprise to win the world

The "Made in Zhejiang" group standard review meeting of "Flanged, Welded and Threaded Steel Plug Valves" of Xuandong Valve was held

Release time:2022-11-28 From:浙江省泵阀协会 Source View count:1869

Recently, Zhejiang pump valve product Quality Inspection Center as the leading unit, Zhejiang Xuandong Valve Co., Ltd. as the main drafting unit, Zhejiang pump valve product quality inspection Center, Baoyi Group Co., Ltd. and other units to participate in the drafting of the "flange, welding and threaded connection steel plug valve" logo "made in Zhejiang" group standard review meeting held in Yongjia Oubei, National valve industry well-known experts, Zhejiang Pump and Valve Industry Association, Wenzhou Standardization Science Research Institute, Zhejiang Provincial Valve Marking Technology Committee and Yongjia County Market Supervision Administration and other related units of expert leaders attended the meeting, the meeting according to the process stipulated by the logo to complete the agenda.

According to the person in charge of Zhejiang Xundong Valve Co., LTD., the main drafting unit, compared with GB/T 22130-2008 "Steel plug valve" standard, "Flanged, welded and threaded steel plug valve" logo "Made in Zhejiang" group standard has the following five advantages, mainly reflected in: first, increase the requirements of leakage; Second, increased the pressure opening and closing test requirements; Third, increase the non-destructive testing requirements; Fourth, the nominal size range is extended from DN600 to DN1050, exceeding the API standard range; Fifth, the maximum operating force of the hand wheel is reduced from 360N to 300N, which is better than API standard requirements.

At the review meeting, the expert group listened to the standard working group's report on the background and purpose of the standard, the core content and preparation process of the standard, as well as the advanced nature of the standard. After questioning and discussion, the expert group unanimously passed the review and advanced nature evaluation, and believed that the formulation, release and implementation of the standard will standardize the production of flange, welded and threaded steel plug valve products. Improving the market competitiveness of the product is conducive to improving the manufacturing and processing technology level of the plug valve and enhancing the brand image of "Made in Zhejiang".

China Valve Media/


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